Thursday, November 12, 2009

Text Message Game

I have been getting serious results with my text message game but i want to share one text with everyone that gets me instint results.

"I bet my Farmville can beat up your Farmville"


Saturday, October 17, 2009

Direct Method

Hello, Everyone!

I've been out constantly doing direct method and trying to mastering the instant results you are looking for, without the time. We all know that wasting 30mins on a set is just plan STUPID! I can do a lot in 30mins and why would i want to waste my time on someone that doesn't even like me? I will be talking about the advantages and disadvantages about direct method in a few days but for now hang tight.


Thursday, August 20, 2009

Natural vs Unnatural

What’s up guys!

I wanted to talk about being a NATURAL. Well first of how does one become a NATURAL with women? And why are some individuals, UNNATURALS, dumbfounded when it comes to women? The last past months I have be dedicating my time to fully understanding the concept of NATURAL and UNNATURAL.

A NATURAL is someone who goes out and experiences results first hand and doesn’t let society dictate him with conflicting ideas (i.e. buy a women a drink because it’s the right thing to do or something of that nature). He learns the calibration of social dynamics and progresses. He doesn’t allow society to take control of him; he acts on his instincts and past results.

This is one of the biggest mistakes UNNATURALS make when they interact with a women. They usually have two conflicting thoughts at any given moment. For example… women says “Buy me a drink” UNNATURAL starts to rationalize the situation by telling himself do what society says to do be nice and buy her a drink it’s the right thing to do. On the other hand we have the NATURAL mindset, she’s testing you don’t do it tell her “why should I buy you a drink?” etc. My point is NATURALS tend not to let society dictate there every move and they act on first hand experiences.

My point is which one are you? Anyone can be a NAUTRAL if they surround themselves with the right individuals (i.e. individuals, NATURALS, that don’t allow society to dictate there every move).

Well got to go, talk to you later



Tuesday, March 10, 2009



The last couple of months I have been dedicating my time and effort to bodybuilding and getting that physique I always wanted.

I’ve said in the past I would post a series of steps on becoming fit; first I would like to share a nutritional value chart, to steer many of you in the right direction on what to eat.

From this chart,, you should pick one of the following:

Lean Proteins


Complex Carbs (Starchy)

Complex Carbs (Fibrous)

Fats (peanuts and dressings)

In addition stick to six small portions, of one of the following above, throughout the day:

9:00- Meal One

11:00- Meal Two

1:30- Meal Three

3:00- Meal Four

5:00- Meal Five

8:00- Meal Six

The reason why you should stick to small portions throughout the day is because your body only burns off about 300 calories per meal. For example, lets say… you eat a meal of about… 900 calories, at the time your body will only burn off about 300 calories of that, 900 calorie meal, and the rest will be stored as fat, the remaining 600 calories.

It’s very crucial to eat small portions; eating small portions a day keeps your metabolism at its peak, thus it is constantly working and burning off calories.

The body burns off on average of 2,000 calories per day and if you intake only 700 calories per day that is a 1300 calorie loss which is equivalent to almost a pound. (2,000 calories = 1 pound of fat). Its time for you to stop reading and actually start doing…

P.S. there are other ways to increase your metabolism and that is through metabolism enhancer supplements


Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Fitness- Water

Tip of the WeekWater Works for Weight LossNothing quells the appetite like water, lots and lots of water. Start out with two quart bottles in the morning and carry one with you to work or wherever you go. If you like, divvy up the 64 ounces of water into eight (8-ounce) bottles or four pint (16-ounce) bottles to carry around with you all day. Freeze half of them the night before and they will last all day, even in a hot car. Keep some unfrozen so they will be ready to drink immediately.

Yes. You will have to make more frequent bathroom trips, but it is worth it. Drink your 64 ounces of water before dinner, if possible, so you're not up half the night going to the bathroom.

Water not only fills you up and lessens your appetite, it prevents those "hungry horrors" we all encounter when our blood sugar drops and we reach for cookies, candy, ice cream, fries or other high-calorie treats. Water also flushes out the system, rids the body of bloat and toxins and rosies up the complexion. Now, start splashing.

Health & Fitness Tips
