Saturday, November 29, 2008


What are you wearing right now? Look at yourself. Do you wear normal clothes? What i mean by this is, if you were in a room with 20 other people, would you stand out by your clothes? If your answer is no then you definitely need to keep reading. Fashion is the easiest instant change you can do to yourself. Stop blending in!! Please. Life is too short to blend in. I'm not saying to dress like a clown. Dress sharp and trendy. I want people to notice you. Wear different colors like pink, orange, peach, etc. Cut down to a minimum the black, blue, white shirts. Thats so boring. Hb's run away from this, because every other guy that approached her is wearing that stupid black or blue shirt. Your different. You have an edge. Don't worry if it feels weird wearing this. It will, i promise you, but i also promise you that over time it will feel natural and normal. It will improve your game. Another thing wear clothes that fit. If your a medium, buy a medium, if your a large buy a large. Wearing big clothes looks messy and is a turnoff for most girls. Thats a fact. I'll help you out. Post a pic of you in your clothes and I'll tell you if your getting the point. Remember if you think your dressing cool, your probably not. So post pics and I'll tell you whats up, or send me an email at



How does fitness play a roll in pickup? Well, I'm gonna tell you. It actually plays a role on 2 levels. Inner And outer game. It helps your inner game confidence wise. Being or looking generally fitter plays on your social conditioning which tell you on t.v. the fit guy gets the girl. You then feel that your almost on the level of one of those t.v. type guys and it boasts your confidence. Working out also increases your testosterone which increases your urges to mate with girls. This will definitely make you want to leave your house and sarge. Okay now outer game. Obviously looking fit gives you an advantage on guys who are unfit. I'm not going to lie about that. The fitter guy could possibly have an easier time getting the girls attracted to him based upon looks. The unfit guy just has to work harder to get a girl attracted to him. Perfect example, you go play basketball, your average build, no spectacular athlete. Thats you. You walk into the gym and see a 6'7 guy with freakish athleticism. The 6'7 guy is going to be a good ball player no matter how bad mechanics he has of the game. You on the other hand are an amazing shooter, dribbler, really skilled player. You can be just as good if not better then the 6'7 guy because of this. It's only harder for you, not impossible, only harder.

My thing to you is watch what you eat. Eat healthy, cut down on junk food, soda, fried foods, etc. Go to the gym start a workout schedule and do it. We can only use being fit to our advantage. Fight your urges to eat junk food and use your logical brain to tell you, if the food tastes too good its probably bad for you. Understand that eating junk food is your emotional brain telling you "McDonald's would taste so good right now" We are men, we control our emotions. Just tell that urge fuck you! and go eat a can of tuna and fruit.

If you guys want to know what foods are good and healthy, e-mail me but i will also shortly post an entire week eating routine from breakfast to dinner and it will include healthy snacks.


Body Language

Hey Guys!

Check out this remarkable link for body language.



Logic Vs. Emotion

Love I thought was an emotion but I found out this is not true… I noticed that there is a sex drive, falling in love drive and being in love drive. And what I found out was these drives are found in three separate parts of the brain. Module way of looking at the brain; sex drive is in one module, falling in love and being in love is in another module and like other things there are not completely boxed. Sex drive works all the time males and females are both constantly looking for a mate and are never turned off. Seeking a mate will go all the way throw there life.

Falling in love is not an emotion! It is a drive! This module is a completely different drive it uses different chemicals and uses them in different ways basically… what it does is identifies one practically mate.

Being in love is identified in a different part of the brain, different module and uses different chemicals basically gives you content, content for the mate you have chosen. So it is possible that the mate you have chosen loves you very much but is also on the look out for another mate. And could go off and do so trial mating but can still be in love with the spouse. Everybody is always on the look out for a mate. And when the brain finds a mate it will focus everything it can to get that mate, it’s like a hyper zoom. And when the mate has been got they need to be content with each other to raise the children.


Phone Game

Q: I have a sticking point, which I would like to resolve. My sticking points are mainly dealing on the phone and trying to convey who I am on the phone it’s just a little different because I am actually not there to see her expressions and I cant change her thoughts as easy, as in person. Nonetheless I would like to improve my phone game and how to convey my personality on a second day phone call. Advice would be appreciated HeartSin

A:First off, don’t try to be funny. Just be you! And you will eventually find interesting conversations to talk about, may it be a childhood experience, to a day at work. It’s the way you project yourself that makes it funny or interesting. If you need additional help on vocal tonality, I would recommend Dave Shades E-Book; there’s a lot of remarkable information, which is stated all through out his book.

Secondly don’t put her on a pedestal and try to seek rapport with her; instead treat her like she was one of your best friends. You know... like hanging out with the buds on a Saturday night and not having a care in the world. That’s precisely how you should act with a girl! Don’t stop to think about what to say; instead be that guy that always likes having fun, just plan old fashion fun (Trust me this will get you far w/ a woman). Women seek excitement because there lives are monotone, mundane, and they seek out excitement and adventure in other individuals, such as you.

Remember that song “ Girls just wanta have fun”. Do this and your success rate should succeed tremendously.



Suave PUA

Whats Up Guys!

I just wanted to let you know that a good buddy of mine is starting a new e-book on text message game it is an extraordinary e-book with dynamite pickup lines to seduce any girl over the phone!

Check it out at
